There are a few phrases that just make my blood boil, make me want to turn and irrationally yell at whomever has just uttered those words. One of them is one I heard many times today - Don't take it personally. Don't take it personally??? Really??? When it affects me, it is personal. When it affects someone I love, it is personal. When it affects someone I respect, it is personal. I know I am not in a position to change rules, policies, et cetera in all areas of my life, but that doesn't mean I have to like them. I tend to be one of those people that quickly jumps up on my soapbox to defend my views or defend others (yeah, if you know me well, this fact comes as no surprise). I happen to like my soapbox, finding it therapeutic to get worked up something, let out my frustrations, thoughts, emotions, and then stomp down and try to move on with my day. It is my adult version of throwing a toddleresque temper tantrum if you will.
Today just happened to be one of those days that started with frustration, that continued with frustration, a day during which all little things seemed to annoy the hell out of me. Now before you say, whaaaa, whaaaa, stop whining, stop and think. We all have these days, and if you can't admit that you do, you are lying. I have the right to be frustrated with the world and in the end, the world will probably thank me for letting this frustration out today, rather than holding on to it and exploding in a not-so-pretty mess of frustration at the end of the week. In short, don't mess with me when I am already upset.
What am I REALLY upset about? I'd rather not say, as I need to maintain personal and professional composure and save face. Most people who saw me today did not really see me, but rather my friend Molly, Molly Sunshine. Many of you know Molly well and perhaps even receive Molly as a visitor during you days we well. She is a lovely friend, the one who you hear coming out of my mouth when I say I am "Fine, just FINE!" Molly is the one who allows me to smile when I want to scowl, to answer the phone pleasantly when I want to just ignore the ringing or say "What do you want now?" Molly is a necessary part of my work day when I am frustrated. I am glad that she is there and I am sure my co-workers would agree, probably even suggesting that she continue to hang around until I can get my attitude in check.
I try not to use this blog to just rant about things that upset or anger me, but today is one of those days. Perhaps it is more of several days of little frustrations all built up, then set in motion by one bigger one from today. Either way, I am aware of the fact that I am not the most pleasant person to be around today. My apologies. Perhaps tomorrow I will be back to being the ray of sunshine that you all have come to love. So, early to bed with hopes of letting sleep clear my mind and put me back on an even playing field. I just have to remind myself that it's just life and things could be worse... but honestly, I am glad they're not. I might just wring Molly's little neck....
What frustrates you and how do you handle it? Suggestions?
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