There are some things that, no matter how much I try, I will never understand, things that grate on my nerves, for no real reason at all. They are not big important things, just well, you take a look:
Rubber Bracelets: Okay, I totally get the point behind the original Livestrong bracelet and all, but the whole "fad" has gotten out of hand. You know the bracelet I am talking about - it's that yellow rubber one everyone and their mom, brother, uncle, bff, mail man, dentist, kid's teacher, etc etc etc seems to wear. For one thing, a rubber circle is not jewelry, it is not fashionable, it is not cool; neither is wearing one in every single color possible, making it seem as if you are truly a supporter of every cause everywhere. I should not have to decode the rubber rainbow on your wrist to figure out what you believe in. If you truly believe in something, live it, tell people about it, but please, do not ask me to support it by buying a rubber thing in whatever color you could get.
Magnetic Ribbons: First of all, whoever thought that a large magnetic ribbon on the back of your car looked cool was an idiot. They do not look cool! If you believe that you are really supporting our troops by having one on your car, you are also an idiot. Do you really think that the $3 you give to the gas station attendant is going to support the troops, to send them much-needed supplies? Really? Come on people! They never see it! If you really want to support the troops or any other cause that now has their own large brightly colored ribbon-shaped magnet, go out there and do something! Volunteer! Donate! Send care packages! Be a friend, a support, a neighbor! Oh, and having multiple magnets on your car does not show me that you are really a supporter, a bigger one who cares more than the people with just one ribbon... you are just a bigger moron than the others. And, if you think that sticking one of those things on my car is funny, I will find you....
Musty Towels: Okay, okay, I know, I am weird, but this is something that drives me crazy! I hate going to get a towel out for a shower and having it possess that icky smell, the one that things get when they sit too long in the washer and then get put in the dryer? Does anyone else know what I mean? It makes my stomach turn and I will wash my hands incessantly in order to get the smell off of them, although I am thoroughly convinced it stays for hours. I also don't understand how others don't smell it. I have been to other people's houses before and gone to dry my hands on a hand towel after washing them, only to find, to my dismay, that it is a musty creature, laying there staring at me, daring me to dry my hands on its stinky being. I have even, with people I know very well, asked if they have a fresh towel to put out. They have picked up the offensive towel and not smelled a thing! I don't get it! The same goes for the towels you shower with. I want mine to smell fresh, as in, clean, washed and dried in a timely manner, thereby allowing me to feel and smell fresh after using them. Is that too much to ask?
Facebook/Myspace Messages Instead of Phone Calls: Have you ever had someone ask you, "How come you didn't come to (insert event here)?" You say that they didn't call you and tell you about it and they respond by saying, "Well, I sent you a Facebook/Myspace message!" Listen up people, sending me a Facebook or Myspace message is NOT the same as calling or texting me. For that matter, you could email me, at my actual email address. I am not a person who is obsessed with Facebook and it is not the best way to reach me. Actually, I think if it is your preferred method of communication, you have way too much time on your hands. Who has time to be on that ALL day, waiting for people to communicate? If you really want me to know something, to go somewhere, call me! Text me! Email me! I promise to use the same courtesy with you.
The Real Housewives of (Insert City Here): So, I my not be anybody's wife, but I am pretty sure that I know enough about life to know that those obnoxious, rich, slutty women on Bravo are not real, by any definition of the word. I am not just talking about their breasts, their lips, their perfectly tanned skin, their hair color, but frankly, we all know that is fake, too. They are not fooling anyone! I guess, perhaps, they don't care. Also, housewives, typically, actually do things around the house other than lounge in the pool, give fashion advice to their overly skanky daughters, and drink cosmos all day. There are things like laundry, dishes, vacuuming, caring for kids, etc etc etc. There is more to being a wife than using your husband's money to have lunch and cocktails with your friends, getting yourself fluffed and puffed, and ranting about the so-called drama and issues in your life. The ladies on these shows drive me crazy! It is not that I am jealous and want to be them, I just think they are ridiculous and I don't understand why so many people watch them so religiously. How about a show about the real housewives of central Illinois, or real farm wives, or real Amish wives, something that at least is real. Sheesh....
The Recent Obsession with Twilight and All Things Vampire: Now, please correct me if I am wrong, but Twilight was written for young readers, pre-teens or teens or something, right? Why is it that everyone you meet seems to be obsessed with Twilight and all other movies, books, TV shows, etc. that are about vampires? I do not see what is so great. Why do I want to read a whole series of very long books written for teens when I can read books written about things relevant to my life? I never understood the whole vampire thing, even back in the day when everyone I know was so into Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Never saw it and I am okay with that. If one more person tells me I HAVE to read Twilight or see the movie, I am likely to bite them, or tell them to bite me!
So, I know this post may make me sound like I am an intolerant and judgmental person, but I swear I'm not. I just know what drives me crazy! I am hoping that by telling others, they will avoid these things as well, unless of course you want commiserate with me! What is your opinion on the things that push my buttons? What pushes yours? Come on, we have something....
I totally agree with the messaging via social networking! Its like "hey why didnt you show up last night" and then they say "well I told you I changed my mind last minute on your wall" and your like YEAH well as I was looking stupid waiting for you I didnt log onto my laptop and check it out SORRY MY BAD! Ok sorry needless to say I am with you!
ReplyDeleteIf it weren't for reading Twilight, I wouldn't have started writing again. So I will defend it in that aspect time and time again.
ReplyDeleteI also do not think that Stephanie Meyer intended her books to be read by the tween age audience, just as J. K. Rowling could not have predicted that her books would be read by such a vast audience.
Stephanie Meyer herself is a Mormon, and some of her religious values extended into her characters. For example, Edward would not sleep with Bella until they were married. I would rather Zoe (as a tween of course) read a book that approached intimacy as a sacred part of marriage, then to have her read books that do not.
As for vampire books in general, there were many before her saga, and there will be many more to follow. True Blood (on HBO) is based on a series of books published a few years before Twilight, and yet there are so many similarities between the two.
Oh yeah, and New Moon is movie 2 of 4, so be prepared for the next three years (at least) to be filled with vampiremania.
No Real Housewives?! Oh noes! I get off on how ridiculous they are. Also, I have Twilight's "Eclipse" sitting next to me...hee hee.
ReplyDeleteSadly, I really do love the Real Housewives of New York. I started watching it one day when I was home sick and it became a guilty pleasure. I hate the other ones though. Oh, except when that woman from New Jersey flipped the table over and started screaming at everyone. That was just plain funny.
ReplyDeleteAs for Twilight, they were decent enough books but they are not for everyone. But they are definitely not appropriate for young girls. Bella basically commits suicide just to be with her man. Those books need a disclaimer.