When I was in the 8th grade my brother Austin was born. It was exciting, weird, fun, icky, etc etc etc, all at the same time. As a teenager, it was difficult having a baby in the house at times and well, as my mother says, having a screaming, pooping baby in the house is the best form of birth control you can give a teenager. I think it worked.... That aside, Austin has been my favorite person since the minute I laid eyes on him. He was not a particularly attractive baby when he was born, but boy did he get cute fast! Aside from his cuteness and general good looks, which he maintains to this day, he has always had one heck of a personality. Even as a toddler, we referred to him as "Personality Plus." And, ever since he was little, I have called him "Widdle Man." Corny? Yes. Silly? You bet. Perfect? Absolutely! You see, "Little Man" was not sufficient as it did not refer to his personality or other endearing qualities, simply his size. Therefore, "widdle" was born - cute and perfect at the time, and I am sure if you ask Austin today, perfectly embarrassing as well!
As he has grown up, Austin's personality has stayed much the same, the same sense of humor, same simple ways of showing his love for others and yes, same annoying little brother characteristics, too. I have noticed that, unlike many kids his age, he is incredibly well-spoken when he wants to be and can hold a conversation with adults very well. He has no problem talking respectfully with elderly people and then in the same moment, during around and playing with small children, being a buddy down on their level. He has such interesting opinions on things, social issues even, not just which episode of Family Guy is funniest or which Guitar Hero song has the best solo (though he will gladly tell you these things, too). I wonder sometimes where he gets his ideas and how he forms his opinions on certain things because oftentimes I see them being combinations of opinions of those around him, and yet somehow, completely different. It is these opinions that make him so interesting to talk to.
Austin has a definite style all his own, a sense of humor like no other person I know. He is respectful of his parents, his grandparents, his siblings, other adults in his life, but at the same time, keeps true to himself. We often pick on each other about little things, for example, like his dislike for reading and my deep love for shoes. Yes, there is sibling rivalry, but in our own special way, probably due in part to the 13 year age difference between us, but also because we are just us. As he gets older, I come to enjoy my brother's company more and more. We definitely share a love of sarcasm and we both use it often, which is great since he actually gets it now.
So many people have come into my life and many people are very important to me, but I have no problem saying I have a favorite, and Austin is definitely my favorite person. As I used to tell him when he was little, I love him more than all the stars in the sky, all the sand on all the beaches all over the world, and all the boogers ever picked by all the little boys who ever lives. (I know he would roll his eyes at this today, but I know he loves me, too!) As he inches so close to turning 14, I realize that Austin might be one of the only things that has remained my favorite for so long. He definitely has staying power and I am sure he would say that is "sweet." He may not be little anymore (we do stand about eye to eye these days), but he will always be "widdle" to me.Yes, I have favorite, and that's so okay!
My family is incredibly complicated, but out of my 8 brothers, I have one whose my favorite (we lived at my mom's together). He's 18 now, and our relationship has changed a lot, but he'll always be "Squirt" no matter how "cool" he thinks he is or how tall he grows.
ReplyDeleteI gave you an award, btw.