Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tell Me Something Good

As odd as it sounds, I have a thing for lists. Not just lists to keep me organized, but lists of things, places, people, you know the Top Ten of (fill in random category here) or Things to Do Before You Turn (insert age here), or Places to Visit Before (insert life changing event here). Lists, to-do lists, grocery lists, directories, baby name books, yes I am enthralled by them all. When I was a kid my mom would sometimes let me write the grocery list for her before we went to the store. I am sure part of it was just to keep me occupied and to shut me up, but I guess I did have to practice my spelling and handwriting at the same time. Who knew such a mundane task could be so educational? Little did I know my mom had her list, in her near-perfect mom handwriting, already in her purse, ready to go since the night before. Oh well.... As I got older, reading anything I could get my hands on, I started to come across quotes, words of wisdom from others, authors, politicians, actors, sports starts, saints; just about anyone who is anyone has been quoted sometime. I began to write my favorites down, wanting to keep them for myself. I am not sure if it was so much for inspiration or if it was because it was a new list, hmmmm.

Well, the obsession with quotes continued and I srated looking for ones to fit certain situations, for certain people, even for me. I used them in everyday conversation, in greeting cards, in school papers. I was a quote machine! Today I have many many many notebooks full of quotes I have collected on just about any topic imaginable. Over the years as I added a new quote to the books, I would sometimes mark some as favorites. It is fun to look through them now and see what I marked as faves back then, especially considerig what I might consider as faves today. I definitely have my faves and often use them, be it in a card to a friend, or just something I have for me, written on the corner of a random page in my dayplanner or address book, somewhere where they will pop up when I least expect it, or someplace I can turn to inconspicuously when I need a reminder of something good. I still love lists and make them for everything. I still love quotes, reading through old favorites and discovering new ones, like a treasure in my day.

I am sure we all have a quote or two we hold dear to us as a personal favorite. What are yours? Share them with me as I would love to see what words you are inspired and and who said them as well. Sometimes the sources are just as surprising!


  1. I'm a total list girl too. I also absolutely love post-its. I have them everywhere; I'm quite embarrassed to say I have a few in my car lol.
    I don't like the idea of growing up so one of my favourite quotes is 'it's mandatory to grow old, but optional to grow up'

    Love the blog

  2. I keep tons of lists!! I have multiple notebooks full of them - some how writing a list helps me keep my sanity...

    Quotes that I love (please note, I just went through a divorce, so most of mine are relationship/rebuilding related):
    "When your dreams turn to dust, vacuum."
    "Sometimes relationships are short stories not novels."
    "There are 2 kinds of secrets: those we keep from others and those we hide from ourselves."
