Friday, May 8, 2009

Whiners, Complainers and Morons, Oh My!

This week at work was the last week of Classroom Concerts for the season. Kim and I were out with the Brass and Percussion Ensemble, as well as the Woodwind Ensemble. I enjoy these performances and getting to be out at the schools and see the interaction with the students and the group first hand makes me very happy, it is what a job like mine is all about. I did realize something this week though - I could never be a professional musician! I was a music major very briefly in college and decided it was not for me, as a career anyway. I still play for fun and love when I get the chance to do gigs around town, weddings, etc. After listening to musicians complain and whine this week, I know I was right in not choosing that career path, as I could never be like that. Don't get me wrong, there are some of them that are wonderful and I respect them not only as musicians, but as people, because they are down-to-earth, kind and relatively NORMAL! Amazing!

Kim, Jay B. and I have a special list for people who are awful, who just don't get it, who piss us off. We refer to this as our "Gold Stars." You really have to try to be a gold star and they are not handed out lightly. This is serious business! There were definitely gold star moments this week, and as much as I was and am annoyed by such things and don't understand people sometimes, I have to laugh at them, because at least they keep things interesting. Here is the work-related gold star list for the week:

1. Musician A: Whining about playing a demo (So, you can play the concerts, but a 2 minute demo of your instrument is too tough? Really?)

2.Musician B: See reason for Musician A being on the list...

3. Musician C: Telling me we need to change how the kids sit at the assemblies (uh, that is up to the school buddy) and then telling me they should sit in a circle around the ensemble. Really? Good way to see a demo and learn, by facing people's backsides, obviously....

4. Conductor A: Getting a tetanus shot the week you are conducting every day, as your job! (You do use your arms for that, right?)

5. Musician C (yes this person again...): Complaining that all they get in the warm-up room is ice cold bottled water. (Apparently other schools have spoiled them and some people expect a full spread at each location. It is Arizona and 102 degrees, drink your cold water and hush!)

6. School A: Cancelling next week's field trip for fear of swine flu and then lying about it and saying you talked to someone at the symphony named Miss M. who does not work there, who gave you info on how many other schools cancelled for the same reason. (Just admit you dropped the ball on your field trip or are paranoid and go away. Oh, and no schools aside from that one have cancelled for swine flu.)

7. Students at School B: Getting up before the last piece because you thought it was over. (Apparently listening to the conductor say, and we are going to do this BEFORE THE LAST PIECE was not a big enough clue that there was one more piece! Thanks to Kim for sharing this one!)

8. Home school Mom A: Complaining about paying $3 for your child and $3 for you to come to the symphony. Yeah, yeah, and a $5 order processing fee (which EVERY group pays). Oh, and apparently parking is too expensive and it is not fair that you have to pay and the school buses don't (show me a parking garage for school buses lady, oh and cry me a river! If the $23 cost of your day is too much for you and your child's education is not worth it, then stay home!)

9. Musicians D, E, F and G: Complaining you could not find the school because the number of miles on your courtesy map was wrong (do you people not look at street names and large signs with the school name on it as well as some stupid number?) and then being gruff with me because I did not put up a sign next to the parking lot saying "Park here." (Pardon me, but I thought that if there was only one parking lot it might be easy enough to find without a sign. Boy was I wrong!)

Number 9 is my personal favorite. I mean, come on people! You are adults! How do you function in life on a daily basis? Every time you go to the store, to an appointment, to drop your kids off someplace, out to eat, do you call that establishment and ask them to send you a map with written directions and how many miles you will be on each road? Do you demand signage pointing out the parking lot and building entrance to you? Sheesh! Perhaps I am just cranky, but GIVE ME A BREAK! This is another reason I could not be a professional musician. I am not good with directions, but still, I am an adult and self-sufficient in these matters. I could not stand to depend on someone to basically lead me everywhere I need to go as if I was on some large leash!

It was a good week overall, stressful, busy, but fulfilling. I am just glad I decided to not become a professional musician!

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