Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hello, Goodbye...

When you start a new job, you never know who you will meet, what types of people will cross your path. When I started my current job, I was nervous, not knowing if there were people in my department that I would get along with. A simple thing, but much like a kid at a new school, I wondered, who will I eat lunch with? Yes, a very simple thing, your lunch break, but in the working world, it seems to mean as much as it does when you are a kid in the cafeteria. I quickly found people in my office who were nice, genuinely sweet people. I found out who was the most helpful, who had all the office gossip, who you could vent with when having a rough day. Slowly, some of these people also started to become my friends and being “the new girl” didn’t seem so bad. No matter how long you are at a job, we all know that you are “the new person” until someone else starts.

Lucky for me, I was only “the new girl” in my office for a month, then Lisa started. I knew she was cool when I first met her, and although her first week was a crazy busy one (not to mention that she had the worst cold/sinus icky thing ever), I knew she would not only be a wonderful asset to our team, but that we would get along great. Lisa is one of those people who always seems to be able to make you laugh and always has a smile on her face, even when she is stressed out. As the two new members on our team, we stuck together quite often, helping one another balance as we learned the ropes of the membership world. She helped me run a Daisy troop of 15 very energetic Kindergartners last year and I in turn helped her run a Brownie troop of 18 very chatty and opinionated 2nd and 3rd graders. We had fun, stressed a little, and learned a lot.

Lisa had a big year, not only did she have her new job at GS, but she also got engaged, planned a wedding and got married. Several of us went to the wedding and had a great time celebrating the happiness of our co-worker and friend. Along with a few other ladies, Lisa has become a friend as well as someone I work with. She is pretty much just awesome. Well, today is what we (as an inside joke) would call a sad face with tear. It’s Lisa’s last day. I am super excited for her, as her new job is something in the field she studied and is an amazing opportunity for her. As a co-worker, I am sad, but as a friend, I am happy. I will definitely miss her around the office.

So, I am definitely in a down and somewhat mopey mood today. I will be handling one additional service area for a while, until someone new starts and takes over those areas, but the additional work doesn’t bother me. I see it as an opportunity to show what I can do, to make the transition as between Membership Specialists as easy as possible for our volunteers. Also, I like a challenge! Today is a sad face with tear kind of a day. At least there is a 3 day weekend to look forward to! A change in the office is never easy for me, as I tend to get attached to the people I spend so many hours with every day. Change is good, right? Yeah, sure. Fine. Really, fine. Here's to a change that is hopefully positive for everyone in some way. Lisa, my friend, I'll miss you!

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