Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dear Santa...

Dearest Santa,

Christmas is oh so near and it just occurred to me that, in the midst of all the hustle, bustle and holiday cheer, I have forgotten to send you my Christmas list. Yes, I am 28 years old and yes, I have a Christmas list. I believe that I have probably, in all honesty, jumped from the Nice List to the Naughty List and back again, several times in fact, this year. If I had to guess, I would say I am currently hovering on the "Eh, I Am Not Sure What List To Put You On" List. Frankly, I am sure most adults are, most adults that have to deal with other adults on a daily basis anyway. I do feel, despite this inconsistent listing, that I completely, 100% deserve to get everything on my list this year. I submit for your most careful consideration:

1. A renewed, refurbished pair of big shoulders for my Mom (Hers are looking a little worn these days...perhaps those 1980s shoulder pads could come in handy)

2. Continued strength and honed good decision-making skills for my brother, T. (He is such a great dad to his kids, but I know it is tough on him at times. Help him to know how proud I am of him, if it's not too much to ask.)

3. A continued sense of pride and self-congratulations for my Dad (He has made positive changes recently in regards to his health and I am very proud of him.)

4. Knowledge, focus and good self-esteem for my brother, A. (He is smart, but sometimes needs a bit of help focusing. Also, high school is never easy, so help him to see every day how awesome he is, even if others don't.)

5. Good health and good sense for my grandparents (I love them and though they have had a challenging year in terms of health, I know they can watch out for each other and make good decisions in regards to their physical and mental health. As a side note, can you make sure Opa is on the Nice List this year; he really hates getting coal in his stocking.)

6. Patience for my cousin Michael (I know college is turning out to be a different journey and tougher than he expected, but he is an amazing young man. Perhaps patience with oneself is that toughest kind to come by....)

7. Time to relax and warm memories for all my dearest friends (we all work so hard and are so busy, so a chance to slow down and relax, enjoy the holidays and reflect on the best parts of 2010 might do everyone some good.)

8. A renewed sense of enthusiasm and energy for my co-workers (Cookies are coming ladies and gentlemen and we call better have our game faces on, complete with  Brownie Smiles, when we return from a well-deserved holiday break.)

9. Wisdom and humility for those in government (Whether I agree with their politics or not, and I probably do not, I hope that those making decisions remember that it is not just about them, not just about people with money, not just about adults, but about making decisions with the honest-to-goodness best interest of all people in mind)

10. A new pair of fabulous shoes

Santa, you have always been so generous and perhaps your efforts and amazing ability to remember what I ask for each year goes unrecognized. Thank you. Thank you from the little girl who was beyond excited to find a Barbie Dream House, a pink bike, a baby doll, new skates, an electronic keyboard, and games galore under the tree. Thank you for always eating the cookies I so lovingly backed for you and for making sure the reindeer always got their apples and carrots. Thank you for bringing me the sweaters and mittens Mrs. Claus crafted with love each year. Thank you for keeping Christmas alive in the hearts of so many, whether they admit they believe or not, you know the truth.

Merry Christmas Santa. I'll be listening for the reindeer on the roof on Christmas Eve and I promise that Opa won't get you this year.

I still believe,

PS - About those shoes....

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