Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sniff, Sniff, Happy!

After what seemed like a summer that would never end, Fall finally arrived here in Illinois, and I for one, was ecstatic! It is my favorite season, for so many reasons and the thought of Fall simply brings me a warm and fuzzy feeling and a smile. For several weeks the weather had been playing tricks on me, dipping down to cool temperatures at night, then soaring up to hot once more, taunting me. Once cooler days finally arrived and decided to stay, the nights got even cooler, cold actually, and I was happy. I knew it was really truly Fall when the smell of the air changed. No, not the changing colors of the leaves or the date on the calendar, but the smell.

The smell of Fall is so distinct, one that makes me happy because it alerts me that the season is here to stay, at least for a while. I have to admit that scent is a sense that is often overlooked, but one that holds the key to so many wonderful memories for me, not just memories of Fall, but of people, places, events throughout my life. I believe that scents hold the key to taking you back to these moments. Just for the fun of it, here are some of the scents that I enjoy most:

1. Baking apple pie: My mom makes the BEST apple pie and so the smell of that baking not bring only brings back memories of many happy Thanksgivings, but makes me crave mom’s homemade awesomeness! Yumm!

2. Nivea cream: Of all the awesome things I could tell you about my Oma, one seemingly odd thing, is that she always smells the same. She has always used Nivea cream and lotion and it is such a familiar smell, so comforting, reminding me of hugs and weekends at Oma and Opa’s as a kid.

3. Grilling: Now, I despise the smell of meat cooking in the house, but there is something about the smell of something on the grill. My dad is a rock awesome grill master, so the smell of someone grilling takes me back to Summer (Fall, Winter, Spring) dinners as a kid.

4. Cinnamon sugar roasted nuts: Who doesn’t love this smell? Come on, be honest, it is amazing! When I was kid, we were always part of the Ethnic Festival in Springfield over Labor Day weekend and a family friend had a nut business, which was, I guess, my first taste of working (and what a tasty one it was). Also, the smell is one that wafts through the squares of many Bavarian towns and I have such fond memories of spending time there, eager to soak in every bit I could.

5. Animal crackers and juice: It is a simple smell, one so connected to childhood that it could probably define it. It reminds me of babysitting, which I loved doing as a tween/teen. It’s a happy smell, which makes me think about my niece and nephew, my two favorite kids!

6. Cold: Cold you may ask? Yes, winter has a smell, one that you know if you have experienced it. You walk outside late in the evening, and if winter is really on its way, you can smell it. I don’t know exactly what makes up that smell, but to me it smells like cold, a little notice that the time for hot chocolate and fires in the fireplace is coming, tow things I enjoy about the coldest months of the year.

7. Paper: As many of you know, I love to read, love love love it! It is one of my favorite hobbies and something that I do to relax, to learn, to lose myself, to find myself, to just enjoy. There is nothing like the smell of a new book, the paper, the glue, the ink, the combination thereof. In this age of technology, so many people are turning to electronic books (and yes, I can see the draw and convenience of these gadgets), but I am not sure I can. My whole life, the library has been a magical place, full of stories and characters and the wonderful smell of books. It is a smell that, combined with some of my other favorites, might be the best thing in the world!

8. Crayons: Not wax, but crayons. I loved to color as a kid and would do it for hours and hours, and frankly, I still find it relaxing. A new box of crayons always held such possibilities. I had to pick the first color I used out of that box with care, believing it was a special, magical moment. Kind of lame I guess, but true joy at that moment. Even now, when someone opens a box of crayons, I can’t help but smile.

9. Spearmint chapstick: Yes, it is a taste, too, but the smell alone is enough. It must be spearmint, not peppermint, the green Chapstick brand. It reminds me of certain someone who was, is and probably always will be, special to me in one way or another. I am sure I had used spearmint chapstick before, but now it reminds me of good times and good company and is most definitely the kind I prefer.

10. Tea with lemon: There are few things I enjoy more than curling up on the couch with the perfect cup of tea (this means it has a bit of sugar and some real lemon squeezed in). Something about it instantly relaxes me. I always have to lift the cup up, right between my mouth and nose and inhale the part sweet, part tart and steamy smell before taking my first small sip. It is a little piece of heaven, right there in my mug!

We often remember events and people visually, perhaps even the taste of certain foods can take us back to a certain happy time. For me, the sense of smell is so important, scents being so intertwined with my memories, and also being things that make me smile, make me relax, just make me happy. What smells are your favorites and why?

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