Friday, November 27, 2009

Giving Thanks

So, everyone has been writing posts this last week about what they are thankful for and how grateful they are for the people and things in their lives, expressing their joy at being blessed with certain things. I am grateful for many things, for the people in my life, for people who may no longer be a big part of my life, for places, for moments, for opportunities, for the little things, and so on. After much consideration, here is the one thing I felt most thankful for yesterday:

Thanksgiving, the holiday itself. I am thankful for the holidays, for them coming around again each year, for the calculated times to celebrate all that we have, to be together with family and friends, to share food and drink and laughter, stories and a good time. I am of the belief that we should be in the holiday spirit more often, not just those six weeks where we celebrate Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's, or as new GAP commercials say, "Have a Happy Whatever-you-wanna-kah!" Love it!

So, this year, I am thankful for the holidays, for the times I know I will get to spend with my family, with friends, both the new and the old. Oh, and there is always the fact that I didn't have to cook my own turkey this year...

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